Friday, January 9, 2009

2 Balau-2009

This post is about:

The first week of school.......

5th of January,

The first day of school. Not so surprise......eehh..... So let me start crapping now.

I'm in 2 Balau. Don't know how i got there, and thats isn't any fact to whine about it now. Its' unchange-able. 2 Balau class room is....small. Last time i thought 1 Belian was bad, but now i know, 2 Balau lagi worst. The classroom is so small, well smaller. I can't believe i'm saying i kinda miss 1 Belian. 2 Balau is so new to me. Awarkwardness.....hopefully, i'll get used to it......hah, when?

Its so unfair, this year's form1 get BLUE name-tags. Me,some of the unlucky ones got stinkin' ugly dirty yellow. Sorry yellow fans out there. Don't worry, this yellow isn't a nice colour anyway.

Next, my form teacher is Potato Lee.(sry) Well, this is a nickname everybody that's anybody call her behind her back. I'm inocent, i didn't come up with this nickname.LOL! When she talk, NOBODY listens to her. I don't blame anybody that don't listen to her, cause, well you actually don't wanna listen to her, or, she is just speaking in an alien language.

Hmm...... What eles???

I'm wearing baju kurung??? Okay ,now that's just dumb. Not really in a mood now. Internet SOOOOO SLOWW!!!! Loading Damn SLLLOOOWWW!!!! Arrhhh!!!! Load faster!!! I WANNA WATCH DEATH NOTE!!!!! SO LOAD FASTER!!!!......I love Death Note. ARHHH!!!!!!!!!

This must be my most BBBBORINGGGG post ever!!!

Drop dead.....

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